
The Music Goes Round And Around

'The Music Goes Round And Around' was written by Edward Farley and Mike Riley, the lyrics by Red Hodgson, and was published in 1935. The song was recorded by Tommy Dorsey and became a hit in 1936. The song was the musical interlude for the Columbia movie "The Music Goes Round" (邦題「粋な紐育っ子」) in 1936. (Wikipedia)  Danny Kaye sang this song with Louis Armstrong in the film "The Five Pennies" (1959).

Betty Boop - The music goes 'round and around
A tribute to Betty Boop & Helen Kane.


唄の世の中 - 岸井 明 / Uta no Yononaka - Akira kishi
1936 P.C.L.制作「唄の世の中」主題歌
監督:伏水修 脚本・原作:伊馬鵜平 穂積純太郎 撮影:宮島義男 音楽:鈴木静一
藤原釜足と岸井明コンビの和製ジャズ・コメディ。観てビックリ。サントラは、'The Music Goes Round And Around' だらけ。映画に出てたグラウチョ・マルクスもどきな永田キングにもビックリ。エノケン版(1936)は「浮かれ音楽」もしくは「歌は世界を回る」だそう。小津映画で突貫小僧が歌ってた、渡辺はま子の「とんがらかっちゃ駄目よ」もこの映画の劇中歌で大ヒットしたんですね。

Terry Adams interviewed for New Year's Eve 2010 Three Stooges Marathon.
Then the Terry Adams Rock & Roll Quartet rocks out with 'The Music Goes Round And Around' and 'A Girl Who Loves the Stooges.'  Scott Ligon on guitar, Conrad Choucroun on drums, Pete Donnelly on bass.
もちろんNRBQのヴァージョンも ....。

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